Write For Us

Guidelines for Guest Post Articles

  • We only accept posts related to towels (any kind of towel).
  • Your article must be at least 1000 words long having 5 to 8 images.
  • We do not accept AI-generated and duplicate content, If you try to post such type of content your account will be banned immediately.
  • Make sure the content is unique and has no grammatical and spelling errors.
  • The article will only be published on our site, but not elsewhere in the future.
  • You can add up to two do-follow links in the article
  • Make sure to use bullets and break your text into paragraphs.
  • Add 2 to 3 FAQs at the end of your article.

How do you post a guest article?

Send your article to homeoftowels@gmail.com. We will review your article and if it follows our submission guidelines, it will be published on our site within 3 days.

How can you find us?

Search for, Write for Us “Home of Towels” on Google and you will find us on the top.